The Background
Independent travel company C The World, an AITO Agent member, offers a range of specialist products not generally available through the large High Street travel agency chains. The company was founded by Carolyn Park in an executive shed in her garden back in 2010. She outgrew the shed after just 1 year and moved into the Old Post Office in Easter Compton. In the last 2 years she has opened additional branches in Bristol and Bath.
It was exactly because of this expansion that C The World was looking to automate their business.
Carolyn said that it was okay to work off paper files when they were still operating from a single branch, but as soon as they expanded, that turned into a real nightmare. They could not share documents or divide data between the branches and they didn’t have a useful CRM system to create client profiles and set up marketing campaigns. There was a real gap in their daily functioning.

Flexibility to customise
Having worked with Dolphin previously, Carolyn knew what to expect of the system and loved the flexibility it offers to customise it to your business needs.
The switchover was painless and caused virtually no disruption to the business. Staff was trained for a day and a half and started working with the Dolphin system straight after that.
C The World are using the Dolphin Booking Management Module to create, amend and fulfil bookings and for its CRM and workflow functions. They can now track conversion rates as well as track and report on quotes. They can set workflows and feel confident that tasks are actioned and everything is done. An additional benefit of going paperless is that they are more compliant with GDPR, the new EU data protection regulation that comes into place in May 2018.

"We love it!"
Having worked with the system for a few years now, Carolyn says that is an easy to use and intuitive system and the whole company only has good things to say about it. Even the technophobes within C The World say: “We love it!”